Thursday, September 17, 2009

Methood of my maddness 9/17

A mind like mine is hard to understand even to me. I try to understand how the world works but then it feels like I know even less then what I did before. I never think I’m smart because I know the vast amount of information in this world. So I often finding myself doing things to tinker with my mind to get it of the things at hand
But today… today I learn something new about this nice person but I can tell she was closed off and screaming in her mind to let all her demons out and yet don’t because she was used in the past because of that. The one thing I hate about being me is that I would want to help out everyone I know. I would lend my shoulder to anyone who wants to cry on. But when I hear this I know I can’t do anything but even my mental faults I try to overcome any thing in my way. As a result I’ve learn to become a better person. But one thing is that I can’t help someone, I can’t change someone else world. I can only show them the path. I can’t even show them I can only tell them where to look and when you understand this, you truly understand that u can’t do anything for other people. Sure I can show them a path to follow or a way to live. I can even give someone money and a place to stay but is that really changing their life? Or is it more less giving some one the tools so they can change their life. What if they don’t use it? What if they just want that simple fix, or easy way out?
Feeling depress or down on your self is easy. Saying that you are no good takes no effort in any part. But to truly understand and realize that the road of life is hard if u want the best outcome. But what would make it hard though. How would life be hard if you just don’t do anything but to follow someone else? Would life be yours to live? Or would your life be that person that telling you how to live? What if a man same with a golden ticket and say that this will give you everything you ever wanted in return… All u have to give up your rights as American? What would make it right for a person to control someone else? As a atheist I know that there no man made god. A eternal being made us in his image. But what I do believe is that we should understand there some force greater than us. And that neither man nor church, can tell us what we can do.
We have our own bubble of being. We can go with some of the great thinkers of our time. One of them say that life is but a dream with in a dream. We are all dreamers living in a land that was built on dreams of others and here for all the dreamers now and yet to come. If we see life in that aspic then we think of how much we want to change someone else world or “dream” we have to first understand our world. Once we know what our world is then we can understand how to do things in our world, then we can show people how to do the same.
But at the end we look at the simple saying.” You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” You can give man the tools to make a utopia but u can’t make him build it. We all need to understand what we should do to live our life better as a result our life will be better. “Once you know how to change your world the rest will follow.” What I mean is people want what other have. You have a good life and you tell them all how to live a simple happy life then we will all will find a way to live happy.

Eh but that’s what’s going on in my head this morning. I hope it’s not too deep.

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